Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wishing everything in the world was digital.....

I was recently called to be the "technology specialist" in our new ward. I thought, SWEET! I love to do stuff on the computer. The computer is where I can be very creative. I can make the picture in my head become a reality. Now, I have done almost everything this calling requires I have all but three couples pictures uploaded to the ward directory, I have made the website look in tip-top shape, and the ward e-mail with announcements goes out for the first time next week. All of these things I can do. We may even have a ward blog soon where announcements get posted, posts about all of our wonderful, successful ward activities, as well as the weekly e-mail.

Yet, I can't seem to bring myself to do what I have decided should change the name of my calling. The ward bulletin board. You know the one with all of the pictures of everyone in the ward that had USU 62nd Ward across the top? Yeah. It is defeating me. What does that have to do with technology? As you can tell by my backgrounds, digital scrapbooking has recently become a passion of mine. I love to make my own cute little pictures and post them for people to see. But to do it for real? I don't know. I think it may end up looking like a 2nd grader did it. But here I go, headed to Michael's to buy scrapbooking paper, trying desperately to come up with a design in my head and coming up blank.

Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

I am sure it will look fantastic!!!!

Diana and Derek said...

Good luck. I feel the same way about bulletin boards. I hope you two are doing well. We love you.