Tuesday, November 15, 2011


We've had a great beginning of the month of November!  We have had lots of turkey (the kids love it and so does Justin) in preparation for Thanksgiving, we went to the BYU v. Idaho football game, we had Justin's 26th birthday, and the kids are growing like weeds!

Goofy kids in their football shirts:) 
Weston chowing down on his turkey... he's been prepping for Thanksgiving... this kid LOVES turkey:)

Addi's favorite place to be at the grocery store, as she yells "HI!" at everyone we pass.

Addi and Aunt Laur P at the BYU/Idaho Vandals game:)

Wes and I at the game:)

Wes and his daddy decked out in their BYU gear:)
Wes loves to kiss on his sister..... to try and get her bottle away after he finishes his:)


Anonymous said...

That's so sticking cute! They are so so big now! I remember how little they were in the NICU.

Diana and Derek said...

We were so glad we got to see you all. When are you visiting?