Sunday, July 31, 2011

Helmet Heads..... and the Splash Pad!

So the kids have to get helmets to round out their heads.  They'll have to wear them for the next couple of months, and we had to get their heads plastered for them this past week.  It was pretty traumatic because they had to sit still and have weird stuff on their heads.  But we made it through and will get their helmets in about two weeks.  (Anyone who knows of a place to get cute vinyl stickers let me know!  We need to work on decorating them:D)

She was watching him VERY closely.

Justin had to hold her down!

AHHH!  Plaster!

I think it makes him look like a knight without his helmet.

We also checked out the splash pad with all of our friends from our ward last week.  It was a lot of fun and both of the kids actually liked it.  (That surprised me about Wes.)  It was a blast!
The splash pad in Providence.

Wes and Mom

Addi soaking up some sun!:D

1 comment:

Moscow Monson's said...

Let me know what color and what you want cut and we can custom make some decor for their new "hats". Great Pics!!!