Saturday, June 27, 2009

Double Date Day

We had one of Justin's best buddies from Moscow and his girlfriend up in Logan with us for the day, it was a blast! We went to lunch, hit the driving range, and then got some frostys at Wendy's before Justin and I both had to work. A wonderful day all-in-all. These are some pictures from the day. (I promise I was golfing too! I was just the picture taker too:))

Logan River Driving Range

My honey and his beautiful swing:) His always go so much further than mine.... it makes me jealous sometimes.

I just had some really good shots (pictures I mean;)) today that I was so proud of!

Enjoying a chocolate chocolate chip cookie dough frosty at Wendy's.... they're incredible by the way, in case you were wondering:)


Anonymous said...

Looks like a fantastic day!!! Great pic's Jack!

Idaho Penningtons said...

I noticed on your face book that her last name was hanson too ! I thought that was really funny!

Diana and Derek said...

Too fun! You have a potential career in photography, Jackie!

Cassy said...

So fun! I've never tried golfing, but it looks so nice out on that range I might have to now! :)